Cogini Blog Articles tagged elixir
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Deploying an Elixir app to Digital Ocean with mix_deployDatabase migrations in the cloud
Database migrations are used to automatically keep the database in sync with the code that uses it. Elixir apps should be deployed as releases, supervised by systemd. Here is an example of how to run migrations when deploying Elixir releases. It's tempting to automatically run database migrations when the app … Read more…
Deploying Elixir apps without sudo
We normally deploy Elixir apps as releases, supervised by systemd. After we have deployed the new release, we restart the app to make it live: sudo /bin/systemctl restart foo The user account needs sufficient permissions to restart the app, though. Instead of giving the deploy account full sudo permissions … Read more…
Getting the client public IP address in Phoenix
When your app is running behind a proxy like Nginx or a CDN, then the requests will all look like they are coming from the proxy. Use the X-Forwarded-For header to set the remote_ip correctly. Read more…
Serving your Phoenix app with Nginx
It's common to run web apps behind a proxy such as Nginx or HAProxy. Nginx listens on port 80, then forwards traffic to the app on another port, e.g. 4000. Following is an example nginx.conf config: user nginx; worker_processes auto; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log … Read more…
Serving Phoenix static assets from a CDN
Phoenix is fast, but you can improve performance by serving requests for static files like images, CSS and JS from Nginx or a content delivery network (CDN). This allows your app to focus on dynamic content. Serving static assets from Nginx If you are running your app behind Nginx, configure … Read more…
Advantages of Elixir vs Golang
A prospect recently asked me what the advantages are of Elixir over Golang. The simple answer is productivity. You get the best of both worlds: the productivity of a high level language with the scaling power of the mature Erlang platform. Go is a low level language, and performance is … Read more…
Incrementally migrating large Rails apps to Phoenix
Here are the slides for the presentation on incrementally migrating large Rails apps to Phoenix I gave at Ruby Elixir Conf Taiwan 2018. Read more…
Is Elixir/Phoenix ready for production?
How I evaluated Elixir in 2014 when we were deciding whether it was mature enough Read more…
What makes a language popular?
In the recent HackerRank developer survey, we can see "Which languages do employers look for by industry?" and "Which languages are developers planning to learn next?" In terms of popularity, there is a definite swing to JavaScript and Python. In terms of mind share with language enthusiasts, not so much … Read more…
Secure web applications with GraphQL and Elixir
In traditional applications, the web application talks directly to the database. It has rights to do anything, relying on application rules to control access. If an attacker compromises it, then they can do anything, e.g. grab all the data or create a funds transfer transaction. When security is critical … Read more…